Zoya Crystal Nail Lacquer

Crystal is the polish first made me really want to try Zoya and even then it was only because it was supposed to be quite similar to OPI’s Reflecting Pool. But… I didn’t want to order it online because that’s just not how I roll, not without trying Zoya first. Well my Ulta had a Zoya collection in the fall – and I really liked my experience with it so when Zoya did their 3 Free give away – Zoya was first on my list (in addition to Indigo and Felicity). When my package came it smelled like nail polish – all I could think was please-don’t-be-crystal! And… of course it was Crystal that was broken. I called Zoya the next day, they gave me an email address to send pictures of the broken bottle to and while I never heard back from them – I did get my new bottle within a week. So, customer service wise? I’d give them an A for speed and a C for communication

The Zoya describes Crystal as a “Light, silvered shiny blue metallic foil with sparks of brilliant yellow gold.” I couldn’t describe it better myself. It also says it’d be perfect for Ice Princess – I completely agree with that too – but it’s certainly not a winter only polish. I’m wearing it today – on Easter – and I love it. I love it a lot.

The application was good – I used 3 smooth coats for the pictures – 2 looks perfectly fine though, unless you’re going to take pictures of it. While in my first picture you can really see the sparkley amazingness – the 2nd picture was taken in the shade and is more color accurate (and also equally pretty).

So… if you’re doing Zoya’s 2011 Nail Polish Exchange and you don’t already have Crystal, think about adding it to your list icon_smile

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